
News & Activities

How to activate and involve end-users in the co-creation of social services? SEMPRE Accelerators seminar in Petrozavodsk, Russia

Published: 2020-02-19
How to activate and involve end-users in the co-creation of social services? SEMPRE Accelerators seminar in Petrozavodsk, Russia

In SEMPRE Accelerators, the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (KarRC RAS) is in charge of producing, popularizing and testing of SEMPRE instruments in Russia.  One part of these activities is a workshop that has been conducted earlier this month:

On February 12, KarRC RAS organised a seminar for social service providers and non-profit organizations in Petrozavodsk, revolving around the question of how to activate and how to involve end-users in the joint creation of social services. The seminar was also attended by Doris Scheer (Diaconie of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany), who presented the SEMPRE and SEMPRE Accelerators, as well as Anette Nielsen (University College South Denmark), who introduced the participants to the method of Action Learning. The participants of the seminar engaged in a panel discussion, where they shared their experience of social entrepreneurship and social projects in the Republic of Karelia and Kaliningrad. In the second part of the seminar, the participants were divided into two groups for a brainstorming session about the benefits, difficulties and conditions of involving end-users in the joint creation of services.

The day after, the German and Danish guests together with project specialists from KarRC RAS, visited two Karelian non-profit organizations. The first organization, "House on a Rock", has existed for 16 years and supports people with drug and alcohol problems in finding a life path after rehabilitation. The main problem of the organization, discussed at the meeting, was the need to create a support network and search for ideas to support activities. The second organization, “Overcoming”, serves the region already for around for 20 years and helps people with mental disorders. The organization works in many areas, one of which is the workshop "Doodle", which was presented to guests. One of the key challenges of this organization, as discussed during the visit, is the search for ideas to disseminate experience in rural areas of the republic for widespread assistance.



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