
University College South Denmark

Who we are

We offer a wide range of higher education study programmes and courses at all levels, with an emphasis on first-cycle bachelor degrees in the field of Educational Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Communication Sciences. Geographically, UC South Denmark covers Southern Jutland and has more than 6.500 students and 700 members of staff. Our study programmes take place at five regional locations: two main campuses in the towns of Esbjerg and Haderslev, and three smaller satellite campuses in Kolding, Aabenraa and Soenderborg. We see this regional dispersion as a source of strength. Embracing diversity for mutual understanding and inspiration is one of our central values: the meeting of different cultures and professional traditions; cross-disciplinary and cross-professional courses; and an overall emphasis on internationalisation, research and innovation.

The UC Syd project team for SEMPRE Accelerators:
Gundi Schrötter Johanssen and Annette Nielsen
© University College South Denmark

Why we are involved in SEMPRE Accelerators

We have joined first the SEMPRE project and now SEMPRE Accelerators for several reasons. Being a regional centre for knowledge and innovation in the professions with social inclusion and exclusion as one of our core areas of focus, we understand diversity and empowerment as a very important part of this. Against this background we want to develop this in cooperation with international partners to improve our experience and knowledge.
In cooperation with municipalities in the region, we want to develop empowerment as an approach to vulnerable people and to develop methods that may be used elsewhere. We have chosen refugees as target group focusing on different areas of their situation with a holistic and coherent approach. The topic is still very high on the agenda in Denmark at the moment and we need to develop approaches and methods that make refugees more self-reliant
In addition to this, we hope to develop well-working and inspiring teaching programs for social service providers both in our own region and in other partner regions.

Our micro project in SEMPRE Accelerators

Our micro project that we accompany on the way towards becoming a mature and stable social start-up is the initiative "Hear me out". It is an initiative for young and grown up people with mental health difficulties with the purpose of developing methods and activities so people with mental health difficulties can get a voice in society and express themselves in order to fight prejudice and inform others about their difficulties and their challenges. To learn more about our endeavours, please follow the social start-up biography.

University College South Denmark
University College Syddanmark (UC Syd)
Esbjerg, Denmark

Rune Karlsson

our latest news

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Four new outputs on Empowerment, Action Learning And User Involvement in Social Service Development

Published: 2021-06-30
We are happy to introduce you to four new publications: [...]

SEMPRE Accelerators at the European Social Economy Summit 2021

Published: 2021-05-30
On 26 May 2021, SEMPRE Accelerators joined [...]