
Lutheran Diaconia

Who we are

VšĮ “Liuteronų diakonija” was registered in the Register of Legal Entities in 2007. We are a public enterprise whose activities are based on Christian values. Our primary objectives ares as follows:
  • to develop social diaconal activities;
  • to provide material, patient care and other assistance to individual persons, institutions and organizations while following the Christian compassion;
  • to prepare and implement educational, religious education and social welfare programmes and projects in cooperation with other organisations engaged in similar activities, and to coordinate their work.

© Lutheran Diaconia

Why we are involved in SEMPRE Accelerators

SEMPRE Accelerators is an international project that combines a wide spectrum of experiences and contributes to the development of innovative work methods in social services. Here at the Diaconia, our social and diaconal activities cover work with various target groups; and in cooperation with international partners we hope to find new insights into innovative forms of aid and empowerment for vulnerable groups.
The target groups with whom we work in our micro project (see below) cover single parents and persons affected by addiction. We have long-standing experience in work with this group and through SEMPRE Accelerators we want to find new work measures and provide knowledge and confidence to tackle these problems in an innovative way.
From a general perspective, we hope that participation in SEMPRE Accelerators will contribute to the improvement of the social services in Lithuanian regions.

Our micro project in SEMPRE Accelerators

In “SEMPRE Accelerators for Service Co-Creation”, we prepare, plan and finally create an association for single parents. The core idea of our local initiative is to foster entrepreneurship of single parents, such as healing massages or beauty care businesses. While the infrastructure is provided by us – the Lutheran Diaconia – the single parents will develop their business ideas and manage their work schedules themselves. To learn more about the micro project and its path towards a social start-up, please follow the social start-up biography. If you speak Lithuanian, we also invite you to check our local blog.

Lutheran Diaconia
Všļ „Liuteronų diakonija”
Vilnius, Lithuania

Ingrida Karūnienė

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Four new outputs on Empowerment, Action Learning And User Involvement in Social Service Development

Published: 2021-06-30
We are happy to introduce you to four new publications: [...]

SEMPRE Accelerators at the European Social Economy Summit 2021

Published: 2021-05-30
On 26 May 2021, SEMPRE Accelerators joined [...]